Life in Alice Springs

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Midwife from hell!

Finally the phone is connected again after 2 weeks!

Don't read this if you are pregnant: I had my worst case delivery come true! Here comes my birthstory:
2 July I woke up at 05.00 with "periodpain" in my back, played card game son the computer untill 10.00. Woke up S to tell him we need a cleaning day today because the baby is probably on the way in a few days...?! S went to bye some breakfast. 11.00 I called the hospital the contractions was now less then 5 minutes apart and 60 sec long, very painful. They said to come in for a checkup. S took the bags and off we went. I wasn't sure it all really started so we left the babybag in the car! After the checkup they asked if I wanted to stay and I said yes...went into the bath which was nice at the moment. Got some gas which didn't take away the pain but made me a little sleepy between contractions. First midwife was really nice, warm hands gentle talk and encouragement. When her shift was over at 15.00 a new midwife took over....(the one from hell!!!!). I had asked for epidural since my arrival at the hospital. S and I where both not into the"natural" way of giving birth I wanted EPIDURAL and made sure everyone in my room got the message! Midwife 2 made an internal control now I was 6 cm open. Good then give me an epidural now! no no no....lest invasive first: she "forced" me into diffrent postitions that I didn't want to like: into the bath again, up walking, sitting on toilet, side in bed, back in bed, kneeling in bed, up walking again, peeing, pooing (though nothing came out), birth stool .......the list can be long! I continued to ask for my epidural, so far only gas and now it didn't even help.
After a long discussion she gave in on giving med petidin which had no effect on the pain!!!! I said please dont delay my wich for epidural I know I need it before I am 8 cm open. The midwife said I need to do another internal look and of course now I was opend 9 cm!!!! The time is now 20.00. No epidural! Push downwards when you feel like pooping. I said what do you mean? Where is my painrelief????? A few seconds later I got the worst contractions I could even imagine.....I became a animal and screamed like a injured lion!!!! I stopped breathing of pain!!!
Every 2 minutes the contractions came and I screamed tried to push all I had downwards. The midwife still had refused me painrelief. I had nothing to take away the pain, my worst case cenario! The midwife promised me the baby would be out in 5 minutes, but the 5 minutes turn to 30, then 60, then 1,5 hour then 2 hours, no movement of the baby but extreme pain every 2 minutes! The midwife gets upset and say stop screaming and push! I am pushing I said polite!? Then her shift was over 21.30 and midwife 3 comes in. I tell her this is not working give me vacum, forceps, cecarian and a epidural, now! Well she to had to to an internal check which lasted for 1 hour still with my contractions...... the head obstetrician walks by my room and wonder whats going on! He comes in and I see my only chance tot ell him to help the baby out! He do an internal check and in 5 minutes he tell the midwife to make me ready for operation theater! Yes!!!!
I felt like going from burning hell to heaven. I will never forget the feeling in the operation room when I finally get my spinal block and can relax! Baby came out with forceps after a vacum didn't work. The doctor said her head was stuck and I would never be able to push her out!!!
I got a beautiful girl with a smile on my lips!!!!! Isabella got 10 on apgar score and was never in distress during all those hours of pushing which is incredible!!!
We both got back to the room and I got lots of help because of my 3 degree tear. S was in a chock after seeing me in such pain so he went home. I understand him, I have seen me on tape.....
So "natural" birth with no painrelief is not to recomend, specially if you push for 3 hours with no result!!!

Anyway I thank the obstetrician for me and Isabellas life, that he happends to walk pass my delivery room, sunday at 22.00, arrived in the op 23.00 and she was born 23.45! I had a debrief talk to him and he is not happy with midwife 2, that didnt even contact a doctor!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is a beauty just like her mother, congrats to you and Steve. Your birth story sounds like something from a nightmare thank goodness it turned out fine and you have a wonderful baby!!!

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ÄNTLIGEN får jag se bilderna! Gud, va söt hon är! Åh vad jag är sugen på att få hålla henne!

8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Det gör ont i mej att du har fått genomlida detta helvete. Skönt att allt gick väl till slut.

Pussar och kramar från Mammi

8:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vilken liten ängel! Vad kul att äntligen få se bilder på henne. Tråkigt att förlossningen var så jobbig men vad skönt att ni mår bra i alla fall. Stort Grattis i från Åsbroborna :-)

8:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Äntligen! Grattis mamma och pappa!Jag har kollat varje dag och väntat och väntat. Jag är så glad att det är över och ni mår bra nu. Hon är underbar! Det är jobbigt i början innan man lär sig känna den lilla människan men det blir bara roligare.
Kramar Marie och Hanibal

5:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like your labor was incredibly hard but thank heavens for the doctor who seemed to know what to do. That midwife may get payback with her next baby!

7:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I knew that Midwife's name, cause I would come all the way down to Australia and wisen her up! Regardless, Isabella is beautiful! I am so happy and cannot wait to meet her!

7:16 AM  
Blogger Vi på Kantarellen said...

Grattis Josefina och Steve!

Trist upplevelse. Stäm barnmorksan!

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still thinking of a way to get even with the midwife.... any suggestions? /J

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

4:09 AM  

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