8 hours on a road like this!

S woke up 05.00 to drive out to a community 4 hours there 1 hour stop to pick up one of the young aboriginal clients and 4 hours back to Alice on road like this!!! Bumby and sandy! Good they got a rented big 4 wheel drive that would be able to handle any road trouble.....and they brought plenty of water.
Every year tourists drive on road like this unprepared with to little gas, no food or water or communication material and the get stuck and no other traffic comes......what happens with them you can guess....some leave the car and goes to find water and some stay under a tree close to the car. After 2 days with the temperature between 35-45 you dont feel so good....
Anyway S have some experienced people with him every time he goes to a community. This day they had to send a client to participate in the families sorrow business, when someone die, it's extremly unrespectful and not even accepted not to participate regardless of where you live. Only if you are really sick and stay in a hospital. Every aboriginal familymember have a special role to fill. White fellows can't attend at all. The aboriginal culture is very intresting and we are so glad to experience bits of it!
Homemade pizza and a cold beer was ready for S to digg into after his trip! Just to bad Sweden is out of footboll!!!! Well we still have the Aussies to go for, hope Italy have a bad day in next game!!!!
Ghana... Ghana... Ghaaaaana...rules!!!
Paketet är på väg!!! Svenskt plockgodis finns med & några söta toppar & lite till.
Hey expectant mother of the child of my former flatmate ;o) You look fabulous....I was totally surprised about your big belly...I share your both happiness!!!Please send me your mailing address and say hello to my Canadian friend Steeeve...;o)
Your German friend
Ryktet sprider sig!
Lycka till!!!! Andas... andas! :-)
Has little Isabella arrived??!! :)
Baby Isabella has arrived! Everything is good and they all feel fine.
Nu vill jag se bilder!!!!
Men oj har Lilla Isabella kommit. Åh vad roligt! När kom hon? Hittade inga datum på inläggen.
Hon föddes 2 juni. Enligt uppgift från mamma J och pappa S så är hon jättesöt och jättesnäll.
Isabella was born 2 juli and she is a very sweet and kind babygirl.
J kommer inte åt internet på grund av att deras (liksom flera andra i grannskapet) telefon inte fungerar. Så fort det fungerar igen så skriver hon i bloggen.
Their telephone doesn´t work so J can´t reach the internet. As soon as it works again J will write here on the blogg.
Åhhhh Josefina!!! GRATTIS !!! GRATTIS GRATTIS!!!!! Jag är såååå glad för din/er skull!!!!
Krama och "snusa" massor på henne!!!! Kramisar mia
WOW vad roligt!! Grattis till alla inblandade! Kram Lisa
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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