My new hobby!?

I thought that knitting a shirt for a baby would be a easy task, even though I haven't seen any knittingmaterial since highschool when I was 12 years old! But after some internet search and my mothers good advice I got the instruction on how to start.....what you see is about 20% of the end result and it has taken me days and hours of concentration and shoulderpain!!!! It's really difficult but give me 6 more month ......We call this style Icelandic shirt and I had one when I was a kid.
If I only knew how much effort was put into making a shirt like this I would have been more grateful that christmas I opened my soft "boring" christmas gift!?
Det blir till slut en vana... man stickar, tittar på TV, dricker kaffe och pratar på samma gång.
Den blir jättefin när den blir klar. S kan väl fortsätta stickande.
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