Happy in the pram.

Isabella is happy when we take her out in the pram.
Two weeks has now passed and we have done it! Every day gets a little bit easier and I and S work as a good team. When we need some time off the other one steps in! Breastfeeding gets better but is still not painfree.....just to keep it up I've heard and one day it will be sooooo easy! Look forward to that day! We already started with some signlanguage and I am sure the first two she picks up will be "change" and "milk". "Bath" probably comes as third.
Her neckmuscles are getting stronger as her kicks, arm movement and today she got tears in her eyes when she cried.....it makes your heart bump much quicker!!!
It's amazing to see the changes in her.
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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