At the community health center today Isabella weight is: 3960 kg a boost of eating since last week when she was "only" 3680 kg. Her length is 54 cm and head 35 cm. She has already grown out of some of the clothes......
In general her weight is medium, length more then medium and head a little smaller then medium! So she will be a tall girl with a small head.....hi hi hi, the most cutest of them all!
Born the 2 July 2006 in Alice Springs and the 12 May 2010 in Kristianstad. Now we are going to try to live 1 year in Brisbane, Australia and to enjoy the beach Lifestyle!
Isabella är jättefin!!!
I think this is the cutest picture ever. I'd like to see it framed in black & white.
3960 kg?! That's one heavy baby...
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