My space!

Isabellas own little space in the big cot. Perfectly close to mummy so sleeping in the night doesn't feel lonely. Nappychange per night/ about 4, eating per night/ every 3-4 hour. Mum kan see/hear when Isabella moves around and kicks and makes the poop/pee noise so it's easy and quick to change her before she even wakes up. The same with feeding, not much screaming is neccesary for Isabella to make her message go through!
Åh vad mysigt det ser ut med himmelsäng och en liten lampa.. så vill jag också sova.. hihihi
Det ser skönt ut och Isabella känner sig säkert mycket trygg i sin säng så nära er.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
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